Sweetie Pie
  • Flower lollipops

    With edible flowers

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  • I am definitely in love with these lollipops, they are so easy to make and they are absolutely beautiful, I love flowers and even though we are in autumn here in Chile, we still have some beautiful flowers to enjoy. I love pansies, they look like a work of art and this is the perfect season for them and they are edible! what else could we ask for in flowers?

    A while ago I saw this lollipop on Pinterest, but I hadn’t had the time to make them, but last week the flowers in the garden where just too gorgeous to not do them, the recipe is extremely easy and simple. The only thing I have to say is that I made a mess with the sugar, it was not so fun to clean up, but it was totally worth it.

    I used lavender extract, but not an essence, because in my opinion most of the flower essence to eat, taste like perfume, so you have to be really careful with the amounts you use. just a few drops will be enough to get that floral taste. So you just need some lollipop sticks, flowers, sugar, glucose and a thermometer, because this is essential for the recipe.

    This recipe is not mine, I used the Meringue Girls recipe and in the video, they show all the steps and you will see how easy they are to make.

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    Flower lollipops

    Preparation time: 30 minutes
    Servings: 15 lollipops


    • 225 grs caster sugar
    • 60 ml water
    • 100 ml glucose
    • lollipop sticks
    • a few drops of your favorite extract
    • edible flowers


    1. Cut a few edible flowers and clean them to get rid of any bug or dirt.
    2. Mix the sugar, glucose, and water at medium heat, use a pastry brush to get rid of any sugar on the side of the pan. Take out of the fire once the mixture reaches 154ºC.
    3. Add a few drops of extract (I used lavender)
    4. I a prepared tray with a silicone mat or baking paper do a circle with the sugar mixture, put the lollipop stick and the flower and then pour more sugar on top.
    5. You have to be really fast and careful to not burn yourself, I didn’t use a mold, but if you want the perfect round you will need a mold, but it is not necessary.

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